Wednesday Zoom Study Room

안녕하세요 여러분! 마이 코리안 스쿨에서 온라인 자습방을 열어요. 매주 수요일 7:30 - 9:30 pm 이에요. 이번 주 수요일에 ASMR 들으면서 같이 공부 할 친구들 모두 들어오세요!
We are opening an online self-study room via zoom every Wednesday from 7:30 pm to 9:30 pm starting this week! Anyone who wants to study together listening to music or ASMR is invited. This study room is only for MKS students including previous students and current students.
You will receive study room link in MKS Kakaotalk group chat every Wednesday. If you are not yet member of MKS group chat, please ask your teacher for the invitation!
If you have any inquires, please email us to